Top 5 Reasons to Renovate Your Home
Did you recently buy a condo? Are you feeling bored with your current condo? Renovating is the perfect way to make your space stylish and efficient while reducing the risk of costly problems in the future! Still need some convincing? Read on for our top 5 reasons to renovate your condo today!
To Increase Your Comfort Or Enjoyment Of Your Condo
Your home should be your sanctuary, so comfort and enjoyment should never be overlooked when considering a renovation project. That’s why it’s our number one reason to renovate! If you decide to renovate only based on how it will impact the future sales price, you could end up living in a showpiece that doesn’t feel like your home. Having more storage space in your kitchen or finally upgrading your standing shower to a bathtub, are simple changes that can create peace of mind and enhance your quality of life. When you’re considering renovating, think about creating the right space for you, your taste, and your lifestyle.
Increase The Value Of Your Condo
If you’re spending money on a professional renovation project, you would probably want to see a return on your investment. That’s why our second reason for renovating is to increase the value of your home. On average, the return on investment for kitchen renovation projects, like upgrading appliances or installing new countertops, is around 80%. Opening up the primary living space and updating the kitchen or bathroom are always great projects that increase the value of your condo when selling.
Make Your Condo More Eco-friendly
This reason actually pays for itself over time! Upgrading your appliances, replacing bulbs with LED Lighting, fixing leaks, and switching to low-pressure shower heads will reduce energy costs and make your home more energy efficient. Plus, these features are more attractive to buyers who will benefit from lower energy bills if you decide to sell.
Improve The Functionality Of Your Condo
Whether your family is expanding or you recently transitioned from working in an office to working from home, renovating so that your condo functions better for you is a good idea! Just make sure the upgrades don’t hurt the home’s value or decrease usable space. Plus, improving your home’s functionality means that every penny you spend will directly benefit you.
If you’re in the market for a professional renovation to improve your comfort, add value to your home, boost functionality, or any of the reasons listed above, RENU MY CONDO is here to help! Visit our website today and learn more about our services.