Blog - Renu My Condo

Before & After: Renu’s Condo Renovation

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4 Surefire Ways to Make Your Condo Renovation Faster

Are you planning the renovation of your dreams? Are you spending hours designing every nook and cranny to perfection, putting things on your vision board, and filling photo galleries with inspirational pictures? We totally get it! Of course, once work is underway, you want the project to be finished ASAP. Whatever your reasoning is to…

The Do’s And Don’ts of Bathroom Renovations

When embarking upon a bathroom renovation, it’s helpful to get advice from those in the know. Over the years—thanks to the countless renovations we’ve done—we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, and we’re happy to share some of those tips and tricks here. Take these suggestions into account when planning out your project and you’ll…

How Long Does A RENU Renovation Take?

When you’re planning for a renovation it can be helpful to know how much time it will take for the work to be done. Having an accurate estimate makes it easier to plan the logistics because you’ll have a specific and realistic timeline. Of course the length it takes to complete any renovation depends on…

3 Benefits To Vinyl Flooring

When updating your flooring and looking for a new material, many homeowners these days are selecting vinyl. That’s because it’s a durable and versatile choice that has many benefits and it’s an especially smart option to consider for specific areas throughout the home. It also happens to be wallet-friendly, helping to stretch your decorating dollars…

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